My 91 minutes in mastodon hellThe result of the Mastodon experiment raises an old question again: How long would great political figures like Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmitd have survived in today's SPD?
Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk. Some leftists are so appalled by this that they have grandly announced they will leave Twitter and only use Mastodon. I had never heard of Mastodon before, so yesterday, Saturday 29 November 2022 at 21:20 I started my Mastodon experiment. The first thing that appeared was a discussion about the importance of reporting unwanted opinions. Wow, that's off to a good start! Then I used the search function to find relevant discussions. After about 20 searches, I found that there were no discussions on Mastodon that were relevant to me. So I searched for less relevant discussions and replied to 13 discussions:
The result of the Mastodon experiment raises an old question again: How long would great political figures like Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt have survived in today's SPD? Total inability to discuss, also called "cancel culture," always leads to downfall. It flushes incompetent hangers-on, incapable of any critical thinking, to the top.
In a night-and-fog action, a law was tightened. Who can now discuss conflicts without having one foot in jail?
While searching for historical parallels I came across a scientific work about the Heimtückegesetz in the 3rd Reich: Heimtückisch was there everything that criticized the state, NSDAP or their sub-organizations: Blitzverfahren without the possibility of appeal. When the contrasts between aspiration and reality become more and more drastic in a culture, then freedom of expression becomes more and more restricted.
The notary appointment is Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The notary thinks it will then take another 2 to 3 weeks until the entry in the commercial register. |