Planetary restoration back to 350 ppm CO2

Without a credible CO2 reduction plan, they are climate change deniers, either ignorant or wanting to abuse climate change for their own political agenda.

There are two very confused groups on the issue of climate change. One confused group claims that mankind is completely innocent of the fact that since the beginning of the industrial revolution the CO2 content of the atmosphere has increased from 280 ppm to 420 ppm. The other confused group claims that it is not necessary to reduce the CO2 level of the atmosphere from 420 ppm back to a level that is stable for further development.

One group I call "the eternally outdated fossils", the other "austerity restriction renunciation preachers". Both groups I call climate change deniers. "Is there a credible plan to reduce the CO2 content of the atmosphere to a level that is stable for further development?".

350 ppm is mentioned several times as a good value for further development. If there is no credible plan for CO2 reduction, then they are climate change deniers, either ignorant or groups that abuse climate change for their own political agenda.

  Meaningless "People not Profit" slogan

Fossil energy is produced there so that people can live. In the next few months, Germany will see how catastrophic a lack of energy is for its economy and standard of living. Germany will see in the next few months how catastrophic a lack of energy will be to the transition to renewable energy. For example, wind turbine manufacturer Siemens Gamesa is currently cutting 2900 jobs.

There are people running around with completely meaningless "People not Profit" banners at various climate demonstrations. The only meaningful slogan would be "Profit with renewable energy instead of fossil energy". The icons of this slogan would be Elon Musk and Wang Chaunfu. Both have founded new car companies, Tesla and BYD. Both new car companies are world leaders in the production of electric cars, 1st and 2nd place. After Tesla and BYD started in completely different markets, Tesla in luxury cars, BYD in cabs and buses, these electric car manufacturers are now in direct competition in China for the sale of mid-range cars.

The worldwide electric car 2022 H1 statistics are dominated by new companies and companies that are still unknown in Europe.

  Mission Statement

Multiply the greatest possible contribution of a single person, by the greatest possible number of people. Every person has a need for housing. The new building standard KlimaSchutzÜberlegenheitsHaus shapes this basic need for living into the greatest possible contribution to reducing the CO2 content of the atmosphere. 2 billion times 50 kW photovoltaics are 100,000 GW and about 120,000 TWh annual yield. By itself, these 120,000 TWh are already beyond 100rnerable energy. It must be emphasized again and again, 100rrenewable energy is only a stage goal towards planetary rehabilitation. GEMINI next Generation will be the first house built according to this standard.

Therefore, the mission statement of the soon to be real GEMINI next Generation AG:

Planetary restoration back to 350 ppm CO2,
we contribute house by house

What comes after? Planetary cleanup can be seen as the first major recycling action. CO2 is recycled to C and O. For a lasting civilization an ever more perfect recycling is a basic condition. An ever higher perfection in recycling will require more and more energy. The smartphone could once be separated by atoms in a gas centrifuge in order to recover some indium with 500 kWh of electricity.

  Radical turnaround required

Drastically generate more renewable energy, drastically reduce unnecessary energy consumption. When a family moves to a GEMINI next generation house, both are realized, even if the house is placed in a cheap area where more driving is required. Let's assume that the demand increases from 10,000 km to 25,000 km per year. The previous dwelling burned 20,000 kWh of natural gas per year for heating and hot water. For the 10,000 km of annual driving, 600 liters with about 6,000 kWh of energy content were burned. This compares to 800 kWh of self-produced solar power for heating and hot water and 4,200 kWh of self-produced solar power for driving after the move.

Moving and switching to an electric car not only added 33,000 kWh/a - 5,000 kWh/a (space heating, hot water, driving) = 28,000 kWh/a of solar power generation, but also eliminated 26,000 kWh/a of thermal energy consumption.

  GEMIN next Generation AG: 78,000 € in the account

An account for "GEMINI next Generation AG in Gründung" was prepared at RAIKA Salzburg on August 2, 2022. On Tuesday I was informed that a legal question still had to be clarified. I received the answer on Friday:
The account cannot be activated until I can prove that I have more than €70,000 at my disposal.

The solution to this problem: the money is collected at the account of the Association for the Promotion of Infinitism.

Investing in such turbulent times? Right now! The GEMINI next generation house is the ideal product for such turbulent times. It's practically like selling extremely safe and comfortable lifeboats aboard the Titanic.
          Planetary restoration back to 350 ppm CO2: Without a credible CO2 reduction plan, they are climate change deniers, either ignorant or wanting to abuse climate change for their own political agenda.