Profitability and actuarial

Insurance costs show how likely a particular loss is and what effort can be made to avoid that loss.

  Profitability and actuarial

When planning the GEMINI next Generation house, there are always questions to be asked about the meaningfulness of an innovation, an option, a measure. The very first question was, how do I convince the customer of how great it is to have photovoltaic and battery power in quantities just unimaginable for normal home builders. The project started in 2019, during a time of low spot market prices for electricity. But it seems those times are as over as 17 cents per liter of diesel was in Romania in 1993.

Then came the idea of how to protect photovoltaics from hail. Bring photovoltaics from 27° inclination to 75° inclination. Does that make sense? The answer is given by the insurance calculator for photovoltaic systems: It costs 80 € per year for this size of system. To avoid hail damage with a complex mechanics is simply not in there.

In California, the situation is completely different for fire insurance in hazardous areas. There, it's about US$ 600 per month. The insurance only compensates for material damage; all the personal memories are lost to the flames. If you offer the California option for US$ 50,000, it's a bargain. Especially because of the 40 m³ additional fire pond, which looks like a swimming pool, can be used like a swimming pool, but is a fire pond.

Option Venezia can enable building in flood-prone areas. If 600 m² of land there costs only €30,000 instead of €300,000, it is of course profitable to pay perhaps €40,000 extra for the Venezia option.

  Common good through self-interest

Supply and demand determine the price. Prices can be driven up enormously by a shortage. If it becomes possible to live in fire-prone or flood-prone areas, the demand pressure in safe areas falls, and extremely high prices can then no longer be maintained. In California, for example, people living in cars or mobile homes earn more than the average worker in Germany. Here is a video about Homeless despite work, also read the comments.

  GEMIN next Generation AG: 24,000 € in the account

An account for "GEMINI next Generation AG in Gründung" was prepared at RAIKA Salzburg on August 2, 2022. On Tuesday I was informed that a legal question still had to be clarified. I received the answer on Friday:
The account cannot be activated until I can prove that I have more than €70,000 at my disposal.

The solution to this problem: the money is collected at the account of the Association for the Promotion of Infinitism.

Investing in such turbulent times? Right now! The GEMINI next generation house is the ideal product for such turbulent times. It's practically like selling extremely safe and comfortable lifeboats aboard the Titanic.

The foundation with 70,000 € share capital is organized in 1,000 € investment packages of 700 shares each and a 0.05% allotment certificate. Through the allotment certificate, the owner will be allotted 0.05 he newly issued shares in future capital increases. It is possible to purchase 2 to 4 investment packages in the first phase. In special cases this can be reduced to one.

This gives the first investors a considerable advantage over later investors. Around 2027, I expect a market capitalization of one billion, then a €1,000 investment package is worth 500,000. If everything goes smoothly, a market capitalization like Tesla's is possible in 2045. Of course, Tesla has had very difficult times on the way up, most recently with the start of production of the Model 3.
          Profitability and actuarial: Insurance costs show how likely a particular loss is and what effort can be made to avoid that loss.