Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition

Plain and simple: photovoltaic without storage delivers flutter electricity, photovoltaic with electricity storage is a very reliable power supply.

An overview of the history and dysfunction of Germany's energy transition, even including a study by the prominent Fraunhofer Institute that the shortcomings will persist even in 2050.

8 points in which a functional energy transition differs drastically from the German energy transition.

Plain and simple: photovoltaic without storage delivers flutter electricity, photovoltaic with electricity storage is a very reliable power supply. We have to fight the flutter current fans until they finally understand that storage facilities are necessary.

By electricity storage, I mean the principle of photovoltaics -> own demand and batteries -> demand-based feed-in to the power grid for day/night balancing and power to metane or methanol to CCGT power plant for summer/winter balancing.

A discussion with these people is very difficult, because they regard every argumentation as a hostile attack, which can only be punished with immediate breaking off of the contact.

  Foundation of GEMIN next Generation AG

On July 4, I got the partnership agreement, then on July 7, the final revisions were done. Opening the account has had a considerable chicken and egg problem so far. In that case, what comes first, the account opening or the notary council meeting to set up the AG. The bank I had an appointment with on Wednesday would not go along with the opinion account opening, shareholder deposit, €70,000 reached, notary council meeting. I hope to solve the problem this week.

Investing in such turbulent times? Right now! The GEMINI next generation house is the ideal product for such turbulent times. It's practically like selling extremely safe and comfortable lifeboats aboard the Titanic.

The foundation with 70,000 € share capital is organized in 1,000 € investment packages of 700 shares each and a 0.05% allotment certificate. Through the allotment certificate, the owner will be allotted 0.1 he newly issued shares in future capital increases. It is possible to purchase 2 to 4 investment packages in the first phase. In special cases this can be reduced to one.

This gives the first investors a considerable advantage over later investors. Around 2027, I expect a market capitalization of one billion, then a €2,000 investment package is worth one million. If everything goes smoothly, a market capitalization like Tesla's is possible in 2045. Of course, Tesla has had very difficult times on the way up, most recently with the start of production of the Model 3.
          Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition: Plain and simple: photovoltaic without storage delivers flutter electricity, photovoltaic with electricity storage is a very reliable power supply.